Thursday, February 19, 2015

1st Grade Crush

My sister was so nice, and volunteered to take my boys for the night last Friday. We went to a few gallery openings without kids.

The next morning I picked the boys up, and we went to the Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic. I think Mica's getting sick of them, but Isaak loves them. I love helping them with it. It's something I can do with them that involves building - an important skill to learn for any boy. I also dig that it's free.

We made Valentine picture holders.

I said, "We'll have to put these in a safe place, give them to your teachers when it's Valentines Day. Instead of pictures we can put a gift card, and a Valentine in the hearts." 

Isaak said, "Mom don't laugh. Promise you won't laugh!" I said, "Ok I won't laugh." Isaak said, "Well I really want to give it to this girl at school named (sp?) Jacklin." 

In Kindergarten Isaak had a crush on Maddie. Towards the end of the year it was Breanna. Now it's Jacklin. He just plays with them, and talks about them. He plays a lot with a kids named Jacob and Daniel to.

For the record he won't be giving this to Jacklin. At the boy's school they can't just give something to 1 kid, and not the others.

Have you been to Lowe's Build and Grow? 

I think it's so cool that it('s)...

A) free.

B) teaches them how to use a hammer.

C) teaches them how to follow directions.

D) something besides Boy Scouts that they get to take home a badge. They love seeing their aprons get filled up.

E) for a lot of different ages. I see itty bitty kids there, on up to upper elementary.


Masshole Mommy said...

How cute that he has a little crush. That is the sweetest thing.

Eat To Live said...

That boy is going to be a real heart breaker!! Good thing he is so cute.

Ai Sakura said...

Aww he's such a sweetie! :) I wish we had something like Lowe's here in Singapore. If something's so good like that, it would never be free here!

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

mail4rosey said...

Aww that's sweet. My son had his little heart broken when he got up the nerve to tell a little girl he loved her and she laughed and told everyone, and told him to stop loving her, lol. I took him to a movie instantly (we were in the car when he was telling me and the poor guy was all welled up with tears). He hasn't liked a girl since, thank goodness! ;) I like the project, it turned out cute!

Theresa Mahoney said...

That's so sweet. Gotta love those first little crushes!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That is sweet! I wish they had that rule at my kids' school. A child gave the twins really nice gifts at Christmas. I went ahead and got him a gift back, but I felt uncomfortable that other kids were excluded from the whole thing :-(

Veronica Lee said...

Awww!!! Absolute sweetness! I agree with Terry - That boy is going to be a real heart breaker!!

~ Noelle said...

Awe - how sweet!
teenage years are going to be tough :)
We haven't been to Lowes events lately, we always seem to have something going on when they have it.


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