Monday, February 2, 2015

Buffalo Bill’s Cowboy Band at The Rose Theater Review

Isaak's been anti smiley in photos lately.
We love going to The Rose Theater! It was fun taking a trip back in time to see Buffalo Bill's Cowboy Band.

About the Play:

Buffalo Bill was an adventurer, a cowboy, a buffalo hunter, a Pony Express rider, and a showman. At the turn of the 20th century, thanks to his outrageous Wild West traveling shows, he was the most famous man on earth. He was a man so famous that he had a city named after him: Cody, Wyoming. He tells stories about fighting along side people, and staring death in the face.

And in the center of that town was a hotel named after one of the people he loved most in the world:

His daughter Irma. One week, on a long train trip from Omaha, where his Wild West show started, to the Irma Hotel, Buffalo Bill looks out on a West very different than the one from his childhood, and he tells his daughter his story.

The Set:

The set design was a little more simple on this show. It took place on a train. I wish I could have taken more pictures, but there was no photography on this show.


 By Max Sparber
  • Buffalo Bill: Matthew Pyle
  • Irma: Stephanie Jacobson
  • Conductor: Bill Grennan*
  • Girl Cowboy: Sarah Carlson-Brown
  • Boy Cowboy: Robby Stone
They actors had a lot of lines, and did a great job remembering them.

Tickets Please:

Best for ages 6 and up. Isaak loved it, and he's close to 7. Mica liked it as well. He's 9.

This was a show more for little kids I felt. I'm just not a cowgirl at heart. I did love all the old footage that they showed throughout the show on a big screen.

Time: 70 minutes with no intermission. Go to the bathroom before you head into the show.

Call The Rose Theater for tickets 402.345.4849

Friday, Feb. 67 pm
Saturday, Feb. 72 pm
Saturday, Feb. 75 pm
Sunday, Feb. 82 pm

Prior to each Sunday performance, University of Nebraska at Omaha history professor Elaine Marie Nelson will share a pre-show presentation on William Cody and how his exhibition changed America, affecting us to this very day.

After the shows they have a question answer time with the cast. Isaak's had his hand up every time to ask a question, but there are a lot of kids there to ask questions. This time he wanted to know how they made the sound of the gun going off? I should email the question, but The Rose Theater is good about getting back to kids with answers! They even mention to email them.

I think any show that The Rose Theater has is great for kids. My boys just love going there! 

Disclaimer: I got tickets free of charge from The Rose Theater.

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Unknown said...

Looks like you all really enjoyed the play. A fun night out.

Ai Sakura said...

Such a fun and educational show! Love that the theater takes time to answer the kids' questions and emails :)

AI @ Sakura Haruka

Masshole Mommy said...

That sounds like a really fun show. I would love to have seen it.

Theresa Mahoney said...

This sounds like a great play! There haven't been any good shows in my area in over a year, though I hear Cirque is coming around Christmas. That's a long wait :(

Unknown said...

My guess would be either recorded sound effects or gunpowder caps to make the gun sounds.

Harry Flashman said...

Buffalo Bill was quite a character in his time. I would like to have seen that show, myself.

~ Noelle said...

I love hearing about all the great shows you get to see. They seem to have many that cater to kids of all ages!

Cascia Talbert said...

You take your boys to see a lot of plays. This one looks so much fun!

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

lovely play I bet...I haven't taken my kids to the play, just circus show :)..maybe it's good to take them to one ...

Eat To Live said...

You got a great shot of the actors! Did they pose for you or did you just point and shoot?


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