Isaak's finishing up 2nd grade.
He still seems so little to me. He has a high pitched voice, small facial features (except for his eyes), and still loves to play hard. He wears holes in his jeans, and his hands are always messy. "Go wash your hands!" is a regular thing we say in our house to Isaak. It's hard to believe he turns 8 later this week, and will soon be called a 3rd grader! He is tall! He's fitting right into Mica's hand me down jeans - size 10. He has picked up on reading in 2nd grade. He does like to write stories. I keep telling him that he needs to read more and more to get better with writing.
Mica's finishing up 4th grade.
He's goofy around home, but mature at school. He started safety patrol training a few weeks ago. This week he's full time with safety patrol. He had a field trip last week where he got to go an hour away to the state capitol. We've taken the boys there before. :) With us he didn't get to go on a charter bus. He was super excited to have a bathroom on a bus. That seemed to be the highlight. He's so ready for 5th grade. I sometimes thought 4th grade bored him. His teacher did her best to challenge him though.
The State Capitol Visit in 2013
This week:
The boys have Field Day, Isaak's class is going to walk up to a park in the neighborhood to eat lunch, and play, and Mica's class is going to our local Joslyn Art Museum. Isaak's birthday is on Thursday. They no longer have food treats, so we got dollar books to hand out to his class.
Joslyn Art Museum in 2013
I'm trying to wrap up grading this week.
Thankfully most stuff was due last week. I have a computer test that randomizes the questions, and grades for me. I have a lot of students behind. I'm hoping they get caught up this week!
Pierce takes his first field trip with a bus bathroom tomorrow... They are going to the NC Zoo. He is very excited. We get out one week after you all do. Hard to believe another year is done, huh?
I can't believe how quickly this year went by! Mariah will be a senior next year! We live in a poorer district, so our kids never get to go on field trips :(
It's a wrap up already? We still have schools until last week of June..and they have finished ELA and math, but science test is coming..
We ended our last week. I can not believe Broxton is headed to second grade!!! Time keeps flying. It is weird, this year has been a whirlwind... like how does it fly so fast??????
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