Monday, July 3, 2017

Superhero Fitness Tee Shirt Review

Mica's always been such a superhero fan. I was super excited to get a superhero tee shirt to review at BruneiStore:

They have 23 designs to choose from. I wanted the shirt to be a surprise, so I picked out a Captain America shirt. 

It's Patriotic: 

Red, White, Blue with stars and stripes. Happy Fourth of July!

He later told me that they have another Captain America shirt he would have picked. He must like this one though. He took off the shirt he was wearing, threw it on the couch, and wore this one for the rest of the day.

  • Extra Small
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra Large
  • Extra, Extra Large
  • Extra, Extra, Extra Large
  • Extra, Extra, Extra, Extra Large
That may seem crazy that they go up that much in sizing. It is Asian sizing, so their shirts run small. I got Mica an Adult Medium thinking it would be a bit big. Nope! It fits just right. If you go buy one, buy up a size or 2 if you're buying for someone that is growing like a weed - like Mica is.

This shirt will fit Mica throughout the fall. Then it might be Isaak's, who is also growing like a weed.


$29.99, but it's on sale for $24.99. They have free shipping worldwide on their site. If you have a PayPal account, you can check out through them.


I love that the design is on the front, back and side of their shirts. They are all that way!

So readers what's your favorite superhero? I liked my Wonder Woman Underroos, watching Superman - Christopher Reeve growing up, then when I got older I enjoyed Spider-Man - Toby Maguire. After that I lost interest. Too many superhero movies out there for me.

My boys like it all though. They even saw Wonder Woman with their leadership camp, when I haven't.

Happy Fourth of July!

Disclaimer: I received a discount on this tee shirt to help write this review. The company in no way influenced me in writing this.


Theresa Mahoney said...

That shirt is pretty awesome. I was admiring it on your Facebook post earlier today.

Crystal Collier said...

I love it when kids get excited about their new clothes. My 10 yr old used to wear the same shirt every morning, until I caught him and told him to change. =) Silly kids.

Goodness... Favorite super hero? That's really tough to answer, but I do love Thor and Captain America. It's the chivalry aspect.

Best Loan Plans said...

Looks awesome.

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

It looks great indeed, Alissa. My boy loves superhero. He loves Cyborg from Teen Titans, while my daughter enjoys those female heroins and batman!

Leela said...

I love that shirt!

Terra Heck said...

Looks like good, quality shirts. I'll have to tell my daughter's fiancee about this store. He likes superhero apparel and accessories.

mail4rosey said...

That is a fun shirt. I like the shield on the back. I love the superhero movies. I thought Suicide Squad was awesome and I love the Avengers movies (singular and as a group). Wonder Woman was awesome.

Harry Flashman said...

My favorite super hero is Eric Hartmann. He had 352 confirmed victories in the air in World War Two. If those guys have an Eric Hartmann t-shirt, I'm in!

My wife likes the transformers, but I am not sure if they are super heroes.

~ Noelle said...

Broxton would love it.
We tried watching Captain America Civil War the other day and he had no desire to do so. Who know what he will want to watch next. Loved WONDER WOMAN ( I did, again, he could have cared less!)

Mandy said...

Have you taken the boys to see the new Spider-Man? It's really fun and funny. Plus, it has one of my favorite superheroes in it – Iron Man! (It also has Captain America.) Guardians of the Galaxy is pretty awesome too; I could listen to the music from the first film on repeat all day long. :)

Fun shirt. One of the kids I watch has a similar one. Of course, his is stretchy so for superhero day his sister was able to wear it comfortably. It's nice when the kids can pass down their clothes and you feel like you get more wear out of your money. :)


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