Saturday, September 24, 2011

Praying Mantis

Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs had this huge Praying Mantis outside their house. Grandpa said that he saw it devour a bee.

They are both creepy and cool.

I used to think that the Praying Mantis was good because it eats things that are pests to us. That is until I was reading about them today. They are related to the Cock Roach. That kind of makes them more creepy then cool in my book. When I lived in Savannah, Georgia my roommate had me kill all the bugs we saw. I'm the only one that would. There were all kinds of roaches that lived there! YUCK! Cockroaches been around longer then dinosaurs. They basically can live off of anything. Again, YUCK!

One of my fellow graduate students was hired to make a website for Chocolate Covered Cock Roaches. Three times, YUCK! He made the site, got paid and never heard from the lady again. The site disappeared. CRAZY!


Working Mommy said...

I think they look so cool...but the females eat the males after they mate - so definitely not one bug I'd want to mess with.


Eat To Live said...

I wonder how I missed this post.
I have you on my blog roll and I always check it. Hmmmm

I always thought they were cool too.. but it devoured a bee? Wow!
I think we probably thought they were so good because it Prays... lol.

Petula said...

Yea, they are cool... and creepy! LOL!


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