Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Christmas Story

We watched The Christmas Story tonight. They really did a great job of portraying the older brother and younger brother rolls. Ralphie reminded us of Mica and Randy reminded us of Isaak. Not looks wise, but in how they act.

Ralphie was eager to help his dad with pretty much anything and he was impulsive. Randy was whinny and liked to hide. The two boys also wrestled up and down the steps.

Daddy said, "Oh look Ralphie is just like Mica!" Isaak said, "No he's not! Mica doesn't wear sunglasses inside!" I'm like, "You mean glasses Isaak." :)

I told Mica that I'm getting him the pink bunny suit that Ralphie got in the movie for Christmas. He said, "Oh no you don't!"

Just for fun, here's what Ralphie looks like now:

Here's what Randy looks like now:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/image.jpg

If you really like the leg lamp you can get it at Think Geek for $40. I think it's tacky.



Eat To Live said...

I don't think I am into the leg lamp. What were they thinking when they made it?

I might have to get The Christmas Story and watch it. Isn't it funny how the charaters acted like your two. At least you know your kids are normal. LOL

I have been taping all the Christmas shows that are coming on. Most of them I have seen and they don't seem to make many new ones.

~ Noelle said...

so neat to see them then and now...


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