Thursday, July 10, 2014

Nature's Floor in Santa Fe

The boys had to have their walking sticks that Grandpa made for them. Most of the time they were great with them. Every once in awhile they decided to swing them, change them into swards, and they were taken away.

Mica wouldn't stop talking that morning, so I put his Blah, Blah, Blah shirt on. As you can see he kept talking all morning long. He was telling me all about Indiana Jones. He was lagging behind when it used to be Isaak that lagged, and Mica a mile ahead.

Mica wasn't the only one I was secretly making fun of with his shirt choice. Isaak's had a brain that said, Closed for the Season.

On with Santa Fe's nature floor:

We saw things we don't normally see.

A plant growing on the edges of rock. I'm thinking it's a natural ground cover there.

Moss, or something growing on a tree trunk.

A tree that looked like a puzzle.

 Cacti on the edge of the trail.

A dead tree, but interesting none the less.

I spotted this little guy. It's probably because I kept looking at the ground, while I walked. You see I'm afraid of heights, and there was this drop right beside me. Isaak walked, and pushed right into me. I snapped at him so hard. He scared me bad! The little lizard popped up. I missed the shot of him. Daddy captured him though.


Masshole Mommy said...

Nature hikes are the best! And I am loving that blah, blah, blah shirt.

Maryann D. said...

Wow, what super photos. Looks like a really nice day. I love the Blah, Blah, Blah shirt!!
twinkle at optonline dot net

The Cranky said...

I need that blah blah blah shirt for the days when the Great Scot gets 'verbally burbly'!

~ Noelle said...

hikes like that make me nervous, since i get worried about unknown drop off areas

Ai Sakura said...

There's so much interesting things to see! I'm not that scared of heights but would have screamed so hard if someone knocked into me near a drop too!

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

Unknown said...

Boys will be boy's. I have a few brothers and no matter what my mother said or did, they had a mind of their own; all wild and full of imagination :)

Harry Flashman said...

Makes me homesick for New Mexico. Don't guess I'll ever live there again, now though.

That horned toad looked surprised! Maybe he thought you were going over the cliff. That would be a very sad ending to your blog!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Fun hike! I hope to visit Santa Fe someday.

Theresa Mahoney said...

I am terrified of heights too, so I would have probably snapped also. That is so cool to see that little lizard out in the wild like that. When we went to Florida, I saw all kinds of lizards running around and thought it was so cool. The natives there thought I was weird for taking their photos lol

Eat To Live said...

I had something that looked like the ground cover in the first picture. I gave some to my daughter and she still has it.


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