Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This morning was an icy one. Black ice to be more specific. If people did not watch the news here, they would have no idea that it was icy.

I stepped out onto the steps, and if I wasn't holding on I would have slipped for sure. 

Many students are gone today. I only hope that they are safe. I don't fear car accidents as much as I do falling, while walking. 

A fellow co-worker came in, and wasn't making sense. He said something about hitting his head, talked for a minute, and repeated what he said over and over again. I had no clue all this was going on because I was in class. His wife picked him up, took him to the ER, they did a CAT scan, and found out he has a concussion, and sent him home.

It's very important to watch out for black ice!

Have you ever had a concussion?


Maryann D. said...

I am petrified of black ice. Last January 2014, I did not know at all we had black ice in my driveway and slipped and hit my head really hard. I ended up in the ER the whole day with at least 50 other people. It was a nightmare. But I did not have a concussion. Now I am extra careful in my driveway for sure.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Harry Flashman said...

Nope. Never had one of those, hope I never do. I hope your colleague didn't crack his pate.

Masshole Mommy said...

I think for anyone who lives in a climate where it snows regularly, should be aware of black ice. It's kind of a no brainer, no?

Rachael @ Love Yourself Green said...

I'm thankful to have never had to deal with black ice (probably b/c I'm a hermit), but I think I've had a concussion. :)

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

Thank god I haven't got one but black ice is every whereeee...just this morning as I dropped Obi at school, we really have to be extra careful because of the black ice in front of the UPK..oh my..better be careful..

Theresa Mahoney said...

Yes. I had a concussion when I was in first grade. Wiped out on my bike pretty hard. It was not fun!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow - I hope your coworker heals soon!! I've never had a concussion - though most people who have met me would swear my mom dropped me on my head.

~ Noelle said...

Hope your co-worker is okay. Black ice is NO JOKE... nor are concussions... (Marc had one after his train accident)

Eat To Live said...

We have had a horrible icy winter here too. It has got to break soon.


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