Thursday, September 24, 2015

Random Tid Bits

  1. I'm happy to get the cat painting done that I was working on. Now I can move onto another project. I asked Isaak what I should paint? He said, "Giraffes." I might do something with them. I haven't decided.

    Isaak is my biggest critic. He tells me when he doesn't like something. I have to laugh when he does that. 

  2. We're into week 7 in our classes. Week 9 is midterms. It's hard to believe the year is going so fast. 

  3. I realized that I talked about my next assignment in my Art Media Techniques class, but didn't show what the final images will look like. Each student gets a different square, and a different technique. They won't know what the final image is. They double the image size. It will fill up a wall pretty well. I'll show their results in a few weeks. I showed you the gnome image partly a few weeks ago. I did add a few things - fairies and more mushrooms. Then the flamingo image will be the other one they work on. I left the guides on, so you can see how they are broken up. I took photos of the flamingos at the zoo (the real ones). The background of the gnomes is my photo as well.

  4. If medical things gross you out, skip this. My grandpa, mom, cousin, sister, and myself get random cysts on our heads. They are not cancerous. Mine haven't been big like they get. I treated 2 of them a few years ago with apple cider vinegar. It burned a lot, but they popped out after a few months of treatment. Recently I got a new one. I treated it again with apple cider vinegar, and POP it came out last week. I'm so glad I don't have to pay a doctor to cut into my head. I've read that sometimes they come back because they don't get all of it. 

  5. My husband wanted to go over to watch the football game with my brother-in-law. My sister said, "You can come to." to me. Do you mind going to a birthday party?" I didn't want to. I was already going to another birthday party on the following day. With her I wouldn't even know the person, and with the other birthday party it is Isaak's friend. The mom said, "You can all come." I didn't really want to, but felt obligated to go because they all came to one of Isaak's parties. My sister ended up not going to her party. I hope it wasn't because of me.

    The men watched football, the kids played Minecraft, and I hung out with my sister and this little guy all afternoon:
I'm pretty sure he was wondering why I did this to his shirt. Sexy belly Edison. I'm a goof.



The Cranky said...

Baby bellies and toes, is there anything cuter?

~ Noelle said...

I can not wait to see the final project for the art!!!
I love seeing what they do :)

Theresa Mahoney said...

Jason used to get those cysts on his head too. I know they are quite painful!

Masshole Mommy said...

I can't believe you guys are that deep into the semester. Here, we have only been back for 3 weeks (colleges and regular school).

Eat To Live said...

Midterms already!! Wow the year sure is going by fast isn't it.


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