My husband knows the guy that makes Earth Ovens. Travis thinks of him as an artist. He doesn't think of himself as an artist at all. I think it's an art form for sure. It's interesting how different people define art differently.
Mica got to make a pizza in the Earth Oven. They grew the basil and tomatoes (sauce and sun dried tomatoes) in their garden area. It took about a minute to cook.
I got a slice. It was good!
What toppings do you like on your pizza?
Oh wow! That looks so good! And I agree that creating those ovens seems a bit like an art. I'm sure if you don't get the oven quite right, the pizza won't cook evenly. Plus, it looks very small scale.
LQQKS like he did a brilliant job it looks delicious, I love cheese and tomato topping :-)
Have a pizzatastic week and thanks for chewing by :-)
@Mandy 'n' Justin the oven creator said that it's best to have things planned to make throughout the week. Make loaves of bread at a time, a few casseroles, and so on. Don't just make one thing. A great time to have one is for Thanksgiving!
Just fabulous! We do this sometimes. So delicious!
That is so cool. Thanks for sharing it. He did a wonderful job. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
I love pizzas that are cooked in those kinds of ovens. I'd definitely say the oven creator is an artist!
Oh wow, only a minute to cook that delicious looking pizza! YUM! I bet your son was very proud of himself as well as you! Thanks for sharing your family's little adventure! Totally cool!
I'd love to make a pizza in the Earth Oven.
Happy WW, A!
That's really neat! I'd like to try a pizza from an Earth Oven.
That looks yummy. What a fun experience.
That looks so good.... also looks like a fun time making pizza :)
I like cheese and most any kind of peppers, especially hot ones. This does look fun. I think it's art for sure.
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