The boy's loved digging for potatoes!
A potato hand-off.
Working together.
Isaak called the potatoes, "Tomatoes" over and over again! ;)
Mica's into dressing up. He wants to look, "Handsome" everyday, all the time! Frustrating for me because he has all kinds of fun t-shirts in his closet. I found this t-shirt at Crazy Eight. It's both a t-shirt, and has a tie on it. Perfect combo!
Daddy found this gardener snake.
We had 2 buckets of potatoes by the time they were done digging.
Enter my latest giveaway for Organic Tropical Traditions Brown Rice Syrup!
Ah look at those cute potato diggers...I hope they were not scared of snake.
That is so awesome! The boys are having fun and learning at the same time. I remember digging potatoes with my Dad when I was little. It was so much fun! And then you get to eat fresh potatoes for a WHILE!
how fun!
i have never dug potatoes before!!!!
i love to eat them though!!!
ha ha ha
We have never grown potatoes, but we have grown tomatoes. After trying my tomatoes this week I remembered what tomatoes are supposed to taste like. yum
Your photos are great. fun family time. And I love the shirt with the tie.
I have tried to grow potatoes a few times. They never do well. Our soil is to hard for potatoes. Those look like nice potatoes. The photos are great. The boys look like they are having fun.
What huge potatoes. What a great job they did. EEEK, a snake. That would have kept me out of the garden, lol.
Were the boys impressed by the snake? Ash is afraid of slugs. Mica's t shirt is awesome. I learned that if you want edible hash browns, you have to COOK the potato before grating it.
I grew potatoes once..until I realized it was a lot less work to buy
love tthat shirt with the 'tie'!
I can't believe you have potatoes already! That is amazing!
It's nice seeingn kids getting involved in gardening and knowing where their food comes from! Fun!
How wonderful that the kids got to do that! I know of some kids when you ask them where certain veggies come from, they'll tell you they're from the supermarket! =)
that's so cool! I so want to grow some food!
So much fun! Who wouldn't love digging around in dirt? :)
Food from Mother Nature!
And I love the APes movies, so I love your site name!!!
Too cool! I really want to plant some potatoes next year. Happy Wednesday!
Wow! You guys got some great looking potatoes!
How fun! I have never dug for potatoes. Next year we are going to try to grow some things, but I do not have a green thumb:)
look how much fun they were having!!! My boys would love that.
Your son is adorable look at him in his fancy tshirt w/tie just think he may want a big fancy job to wear suits at when he gets old and make lots of $$
LOVE that you grow your own potato's I would love to do that but I'm not farmer and I have a brown thumb
Priceless photos ~ and so much fun ~ thanks, namaste, carol ^_^
Visting from the art and the tree Wordless Wednesday ~ Come visit my blogs ~ A Creative Harbor and Share the Creative Journey ~ thanks again ~ C.
Nice looking potatoes!
That looks like fun and I love the tie t-shirt. But I have to tell you that if I had found that snake along with those potatoes, that would have ended it for me right more potato digging for me! :O
Cute! I'm not a fan of dirt, but they make digging look fun. ^.^
-:¦:- WW: Sunny Side Up -:¦:-
those tater are huge for reds! I could go for some fresh home made tater salad right now, yum! (I like his tie T, LOL)
Wow! I would love to grow Potatoes! I hate Snakes though!! lol
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Nicole <3
We have around 50 mounds to dig up at my grandparents' farm sometime soon. The kids always have a great time, but it's a lot of work for the adults! :)
I wanted potatoes this year but somehow we never got them planted. It all looks like so much fun, even finding the snake.
SNAKES - EEEK! I sure do love your garden though. I'm so jealous! Don't have anyone around to help me pick & bend over to take care of it, so I just use pots & put them on tables where I can reach them. QUESTION. Maybe you can answer this. My tomatoes are getting a black circle on the bottom (I call it jungle rot - hehehe). Can you tell me how to get rid of that???
I'm not a fan of dirt either but this looks fun!
Everything was fun till I saw that snake photo :( eeew! I can not stand crawling creatures at all...and am so scared at the moment....sigh!!
But I loved the T shirt idea...I wish they have similar stuff for girrls :D
How fun! What great things you're teaching your kids. I might have flipped out over the snake, though. Isn't it funny how kids have their own style? And sometimes it becomes soooo much to them. Thanks for linking up with us!
I planted some potatoes this year. I know it is a little early but hopefully they will make it.
They were growing in the basement so I figured I had better get them in the ground.
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