Tuesday, April 21, 2015

WW: Bubble Wrap {Linky}

One of Isaak's favorite things to do is to pop bubble wrap. Travis (Dad) hates the sound. When I knew Travis would be home late, and a package was sitting there waiting for me to open it...I said, "Isaak come here." We opened the package together, and I let him pop all the bubbles in the bubble wrap, while I made dinner. 

He stomped, he popped them with his fingers, he rolled it and popped a whole bunch at once. They aren't the best pictures in the world. Sometimes it's the little things that can make someone's day.

What kind of noises drive you batty? For me it's nails on the chalkboard.

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stevebethere said...

LOL how funny although it can get annoying after the 300th pop :-)

Have a bubbletastic week :-)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I'm with Isaak! It is kind of a compulsive action when that stuff lies round me!!! YAM xx

Ai Sakura said...

I love popping bubble wraps too! :P

csuhpat1 said...

I have a sign that says "We are all mature until the bubble wrap comes out."

Looks like he had a wonderful time.

Unknown said...

Aw how could you not like the popping of bubble wrap? It's the sound of joy and laughter ;)

OrangeHeroMama said...

LOL. Bubble wrap will ALWAYS be so much fun for young and old!


Unknown said...

Lol YES my daughter loves bubble wrap too...I even get a lil jealous and wanna pop a few.

The sound that annoys me is someone's teeth grinding or when they scrape the fork/spoon with teeth. *shiver*


Theresa Mahoney said...

I love the bubble wrap too? Though I usually let the girls pop it too.

Anonymous said...

I love doing this too! So calming and relaxing!

The Cranky said...

I'm with Isaak! My Dad used to buy bubble wrap by the roll, just so he would have it on hand for popping!

Kristi Maloney said...

There is something about bubble wrap that all kids (especially boys?) love! My two go crazy for popping those bubbles too. Looks like your son popped every last one!!! :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Pop, pop, pop, I love walking on it.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

My boys like bubble wrap too.

I know we've had a few whistles that have had to disappear due to the sound they make...

Oh My Heartsie WW Linky said...

Im laughing, I pop those little pillows, they make me laugh everytime, my husband looks at me like IM crazy!

mail4rosey said...

My kids like bubble wrap too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Popping them is great for GG's sensory processing disorder and I join in too when there are many to pop :) it's not too loud for me either.

Unknown said...

Lol, I loved doing that when I was younger too. Now our dog Jade does not like that noise!

DebC said...

So, I love popping bubble wrap just as much as my kids do :) It's awesome fun!

Nails on the chalkboard, and cracking knuckles are my two sounds that drive me bonkers.

Kristin Aquariann said...

Ha, I loved bubble wrap as a kid, too! Now that I've acquired so much of it, it's sadly not as exciting.

Claire Justine said...

Ha, this looks like fun!! I love to pop the bubbles too :)

~ Noelle said...

Ha ha ha!
How funny, MARC HATES it... But it doesn't bother me.. I let Broxton pop all of it whenever dad isn't home :)

Maryann D. said...

That is funny! My kids enjoyed popping bubble wrap also, but I don't like that noise at all. I have accidentally stepped on some and it scared me!
twinkle at optonline dot net

Anne D. said...

I love jumping on those big air filled packs they use for packaging! But it is a little too loud:) And I had the scratching on the chalkboard too!

Glogirl said...

I love bubble wrap too!

Masshole Mommy said...

My boys LOVE bubble wrap! They always fight over it.

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

hahaha...I have the same addiction :)...pop the bubbles :)

Eat To Live said...

LOL I like popping the bubble wrap too... especially when no one is expecting a loud pop.

Cascia Talbert said...

My kids love playing with bubble wrap too. Sometimes I get a whole roll of it and I put it on the floor and they run and stomp over it. Great fun! Have a terrific week.


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