Monday, March 13, 2017

Avocado Pudding Recipe

When I see something a little different I want to try it.

Recently I saw a recipe for Avocado Pudding on facebook. Travis was making a Mexican dish, so I thought I'd try this for desert.

Avocado Pudding Recipe

I looked up recipes for, "Avocado Pudding" there are a lot of recipes. Apparently this isn't a new idea.

It's super easy to make. Everything goes in a food processor in any order really. I left the amount of sweetener up to you. At first I just added a drop of plain liquid Stevia. That was fine for Travis that doesn't have a sweet tooth. The boys and I wanted a drop more added to each of our own servings.


I thought just like chocolate bars come with different flavors, you could add flavors into this recipe easily for a different variations.
  • NuNaturals Nustevia has different flavors for their liquid Stevia. You could try using a flavored Stevia instead of one without any flavor.
  • We just got chocolate bars that had a sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper in them. I could see that in the Avocado Pudding as odd as that sounds, it could work. Just don't add too much. Just a sprinkle!
  • Another thought was to add peanut butter powder if you're a peanut butter lover like I am. 
  • If you don't like Stevia you could use any sweetener really: White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Syrup, Agave Syrup are just some ideas.

You will want to make sure it's chilled before eating. I thought the cold milk would chill it enough. I tasted it when I was done making it, and it needs to be chilled more for sure.

I won't say it tastes just like the pudding from the box. It has more of a Mexican Chocolate kind of a taste. It's healthier for sure!

It makes enough for 4 servings. Perfect for my family. If you are making this for just 1 person consider cutting the recipe in 1/2. You can serve it in ramekins like I did, or the Avocado skins like I saw on facebook. 

Do you like to try different things like I do, or do you stick with eating what you already know? 


Theresa Mahoney said...

This is a lot like the cocoa avocado smoothie bowls I like to make. If you want to skip on the sweetener, blend in a few dates for sweetness next time.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I made avocado pudding once and it did not go over well in my house. Maybe your version is better.

~ Noelle said...

I am not sure if I would like this or not... but I am pretty sure I would try it to at least see how it was :)


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